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Author: Hartog, Jan De

Title: A Sailor's Life [illus. Joseph Low]

Year: 1955 NY

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Publisher: DigLibrIndia

Author: Hawkes, Francis L.

Title: History of North Carolina, v 1: 1st Voyage, 1584 - 1591

Year: 1857

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: EJHale

Author: Hawkins, John (Sir) 1532-1595

Title: 1567: Third Troublesome Voyage Made with the Jesus of Lubec, 1567-1568 [African Coast slaves; West Indies; ea

Year: 1567/1906

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Publisher: WiscHistSoc

Author: Hawkins, Richard (Knt.)

Title: The Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins, Knt in His Voyage Into the South Sea in the Year 1593 [Hakluyt Soc.]

Year: 1847 Lond.

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Author: Hayes, Edward

Title: 1583: Voyage of Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight, 1583 [via Newfoundland, St. John Harbor, Cape Breton]

Year: 1583/1916

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Publisher: WiscHistSoc

Author: Hayes, Edward

Title: Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland


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Author: Hayes, Isaac Israel, 1832-81

Title: The open Polar Sea: a narrative of a voyage...towards the North Pole, in the schooner "U.S."

Year: 1867

Format: Graphic Html

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Hayes, Isaac Israel, 1832-81

Title: The open Polar Sea: a narrative of a voyage...towards the North pole, in the schooner "US"

Year: 1867,c1866

Format: Graphic Html

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Heaton, Eliza Putnam

Title: The Steerage: A sham immigrant's voyage to New York in 1888 [Brooklyn Eagle Press; steamboats, journey - condi

Year: c1919 Brkly

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Publisher: Harvard

Author: Hedges, William (Sir) 1632-1701

Title: Diary of William Hedges, Esq., during his agency in Bengal (1681-7), v2 (voyage out; overland ret) [Hakluyt So

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Hedges, William (Sir) 1632-1701

Title: Diary of William Hedges, Esq., during his agency in Bengal (1681-7), v3 (voyage out; overland return) [Hakluyt

Year: 1889 Lond.

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Author: Henry

Title: Voyage de Monsievr le Prince de Conde, en Italie, depuis son partement du Camp de Monpellier iusques a son ret

Year: 1635 Lyon

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Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Hildebrandt, Alfred, 1870-

Title: Airships Past & Present, ... with chapters on the use of balloons in connection with meteorology, photography

Year: 1908 Lond.

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Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Hill, Frederic Stanhope, 1829-1913

Title: The Romance of the American Navy as embodied in the stories of certain of our public & private armed ships, 17

Year: 1910 NY

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Hillman, Sara Frazer

Title: The founding of Scholarships in the Medical School of the Univ of Pittsburgh: ... & a sketch of the Woman Doct

Year: 1916 Pittsb

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Price: Free

Publisher: HstPittsburgh

Author: Hines, Gustavus, 1809-1873 (Rev)

Title: A voyage round the world: w/hist of the Oregon mission... desc. of Oregon Terr., for benefit of emigrants

Year: 1850

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Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Hobbs, Edward W.

Title: Sailing ships at a glance: a pictorial record of the evolution of the sailing ship from the earliest times unt

Year: 1925 Lond.

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Author: Hochberg, Friedrich Maximilian, Graf von

Title: An eastern voyage: ... travels of Count Fritz Hochberg [v1] through the British empire in the East & Japan

Year: 1910

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Hochberg, Friedrich Maximilian, Graf von

Title: An eastern voyage: ... travels of Count Fritz Hochberg [v2] through the British empire in the East & Japan

Year: 1910

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Holbrook, Samuel F. (b. 1793)

Title: Threescore Years: An autobiography: voyages & travels, including 6 years in a man-of-war. ... war between the

Year: 1857 Bost.

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Holcombe, R. I.

Title: History of Greene County, MO ... w/townships; Hist. of Mo.; Hist. of St. Louis; Laws & Statistics of Mo.;

Year: 1883

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Author: Hopkins, John

Title: The family chain: Marriage & relationships of native Australian tribes ..

Year: 1914 Lond.

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Author: Horetzky, Charles, 1840-1900

Title: Canada on the Pacific: ...Journey from Edmonton to the Pacific ... a winter voyage ... Pacific Railway Route .

Year: 1874 Montrl

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Publisher: ECO

Author: Hovanec, Erin M

Title: Everything You Need To Know About Dating And Relationships

Year: 2000

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Publisher: RosenPubGrp

Author: Institute of Medicine

Title: Bridging the Gap Between Practice and Research: Forging Partnerships with Community-Based Drug and Alcohol Tre

Year: 1998

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Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The life & voyages of Christopher Columbus [v1] & the voyages & discoveries of the companions of Columbus [il

Year: 1892 Rev NY

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Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The life & voyages of Christopher Columbus [v2] & the voyages & discoveries of the companions of Columbus [il

Year: 1892 Rev NY

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The life & voyages of Christopher Columbus [v3] & the voyages & discoveries of the companions of Columbus [il

Year: 1892 Rev NY

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The Sketch Book: The Voyage

Year: 1819-20

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: AlexCatalog

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The works... v 3: The Life & Voyages of Christopher Columbus, v 1

Year: 1828/1861

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The works... v 4: The Life & Voyages of Christopher Columbus, v 2

Year: 1828/1861

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: The works... v 5: The Life & Voyages of Christopher Columbus, v 3

Year: 1828/1861

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: Voyage d'un Americain a Londres, v1

Year: 1822 Paris

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Irving, Washington

Title: Voyage d'un Americain a Londres, v2

Year: 1822 Paris

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Irving, Washington, 1783-1859

Title: The discovery & conquest of the New World, containing The life & voyages of Christopher Columbus [Peru, Mexic

Year: 1892]StLoui

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